Regular garbage is collected between 7 am and 6 pm on Wednesday and Saturday. Recyclables will be picked between 7 am and 6 pm, once a week on Saturdays.
Please see below the list of recyclable items. This service is provided by Best Trash (281-313-2378). Best Trash should be contacted for any questions or comments about collection services.
Best Trash will provide each current residence with one 48 gallon recycling cart. Best Trash will replace any carts that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear. Lost, stolen, or additional carts can be purchased for $50.00 each by calling Best Trash.
Holiday Schedule
If your regular pick-up falls on a holiday (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th – Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day), the pick-up will be made on the next regular scheduled pick-up day. If your recycling day falls on a holiday it will be picked up the next week on your normal scheduled recycle day.
Procedures and Acceptable Materials for Garbage Collection
On each regularly scheduled collection day, Best Trash will collect residential refuse located at the curbside. Refuse must be in the provided container or in up to 5 trash bags not exceeding 50 gallons or weighing over 40 pounds. The BEST TRASH recycle container is not an extra trash container and will not be emptied as such. Please place cart in the street adjacent to the curb facing forward.
Items excluded from normal collection are dirt, rocks, bricks, concrete, tires, batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, waste generated by a private contractor or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials. Please do not dispose of gasoline, motor oil, paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items in a container that are not visible to Best Trash personnel. If such items results in spillage that causes a stain, Best Trash is not responsible for the cleanup. Best Trash will leave a tag explaining the reason for any non-collecte.
Trees, shrubs, brush trimmings and fencing must be bundled in lengths no greater than 4 feet with no branch diameter exceeding 3 inches. We ask that you place no more than 5 tied bundles at the curb each collection day. The bundling is required to allow quick pickup and size limitations are required to avoid damaging the equipment in the compacting process.
Items such as appliances, furniture, mattresses, and carpet (up to 1 room, rolled up four feet wide and less than 40 pounds) will be picked up on both collection days. By Federal Law, refrigerators, freezers, and any other items containing Freon must be drained of Freon and have an accompanying bill to validate such service was performed.
An enhanced feature of Best Trash is special pick-up for items excluded by the contract. If notified in advance, Best Trash will meet with you prior to collection day to determine a price to haul away non-contract items. If you do not notify Best Trash of such a special pick-up before your scheduled pick-up day, we will leave a notice for you to contact Best Trash during normal office hours to arrange for a price and time for the extra pick-up.
Procedures and Acceptable Materials for Recycling
Best Trash takes great pride in our recycling program and efforts. Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the provided recycle cart for recyclable materials; it is NOT an extra trash container. If you have more than what will fit in the recycle container, please place bags, boxes, or containers clearly labeled recycle next to the Best Trash provided recycle cart.
Best Trash will collect paper (including cardboard), plastics (1-7), aluminum and tin cans, and glass (all colors) that are placed within the provided recycling cart. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to bin well-marked as recyclable materials. If you find items left in your bin, it means they are not recyclable. Please dispose of these items in your trash container for the next scheduled pick up.